Thursday, February 10, 2011

Techno Book Worm

I finally am up to date in the book world! I got a KINDLE for my birthday. For the longest, I didn't want one. My books are like my best friend. I like to hold them in my hand...feel the pages between my fingers...see how close I am to the end. I love going to bookstores...I lose all track of time when I'm in one. However, as my 48th birthday rolled around, the idea of a KINDLE just kept popping up in my head (maybe it had to do with a friend of mine getting one for Christmas) and I started dropping hints. I 'm good at that. HA HA Well, wouldn't you know wonderful family surprised me with one! So tonight I sat down and became acquainted with my KINDLE. I deregisted my husbands name and registered it in my name. Hoot - Hoot, got to start somewhere. While I've not read my first book or even a page I think I'm going to like it :) All I need now is a big whopping gift card...guess I'll have to purchase that myself. So off to Target I go...